Updates, Priorities and Goals


Happy Friday the 13th everyone! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend whether its spent running or doing something else!

I thought today would be a great opportunity to give you all an update since I haven’t posted in a while! Anyone who knows me can attest to my love for running, it is my release, my passion and athletic activity of choice. As much as I love running I keep in mind what the true priorities are in my life, and my #1 priority will always be my family.

This year March 9th was a big day for me. On one hand it was the day I ran the LA Marathon and qualified for Boston, but there is a greater significance to that day. When I crossed the finish line and finally met up with my wife not only was I greeted with Congrats for the race, but also with the news that I was going to be a dad! Talk about an epic day filled with emotions! (Lots of happiness!)

When your priorities are in the right place, the choices you make can hardly be considered sacrifices. Instead of planning for a fall marathon, I chose a half marathon instead (Los Angeles Rock n Roll 1/2). The less demanding training schedule will allow me to be there for my wife when she needs me, but also allow me to stay mentally connected with the pregnancy and develop that bond w/ my son before he is born.

I am excited about what’s going on in my life right now. I still intend to fully represent Ignite Naturals as an Athlete and Ambassador. I know that I will have to get creative about my training and schedule when I train for the 2015 Boston Marathon (what with having a newborn and all) but I’m excited for the new experience as well!

I’m undecided about what I will be doing running wise between now and my half in October, but I will likely look at some shorter summer races to stay sharp!

Happy Running!

Eddie D

3 thoughts on “Updates, Priorities and Goals

  1. Wow, the LA Marathon day would have been an emotional epic day! You are such a committed father/father to be. I have 4 children. They are such a blessing. Congratulations on your great LA run, and the news of being a dad! 🙂

    • Canuck Carl,

      Fatherhood is definitely a blessing to me! My son was born in November ’14 and I’ve been totally focused on fatherhood! Aside from running a severely under-trained 2015 Boston Marathon (in a respectable time), 2015 was a pretty inactive year running wise for me.

      Now that my son is over a year I’ve adjusted my schedule and I’m getting on the road again. Mid-day lunchtime runs also help! I plan to focus on half marathons for now, but I can’t stay away from the Marathon distance for too long!

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